Experteer job posting

Experteer is a premium job board founded in Munich in 2005. It is not only represented in Germany, but also in 9 other countries within the EU as well as in the USA, and focuses exclusively on the high-end job market, i.e., top-class senior and executive positions with high salaries.

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6+ million


97 %

Advantages and disadvantages of Experteer

Is recruiting through experteer the right fit for you? Get an overview of some advantages and disadvantages of Experteer for publishing your job offers.


  • Closed recruiting platform specializing in experienced professionals & executives worldwide
  • Very high reach in the search for qualified executives from 600 industries and numerous functions
  • Discreet point of contact for successful, experienced, and change-seeking professionals and executives who want to manage their next career steps and advance their careers
  • Whether actively, latently or passively searching: candidates explicitly want to be found and addressed
  • AI-assisted candidate recommendations and automated direct approach of suitable candidates
  • High-quality magazine with expert knowledge, recruiting tips, relevant career topics and insights


  • No free job postings available
  • Annual target salary of the advertised position must be at least € 60,000.
  • Only permanent positions can be advertised (ads for internships, trainee, interim, temporary or freelance positions will not be accepted)

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Trusted by over 100,000 companies worldwide

  • Source and attract top talent

    Craft perfect job ads, get your own custom career page, and multipost your job ad on hundreds of job boards.

  • Screen and interview your candidates

    Create custom assessments, collaborate with hiring scorecards, and schedule interviews effortlessly.

  • Manage and track all in one tool

    Track incoming applications, centralise communication with candidates and your team, and enjoy smart automations and integrations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your job ads are active on Experteer for 30 days and then expire automatically.

Experteer explicitly specializes in highly qualified and very experienced candidates (professionals and executives) for high-profile management positions with a target annual salary of €60,000 or more.

Jobs for trainees and career starters as well as interim and freelance positions do not meet this criterion and can therefore not be posted on Experteer.

Yes, you can post jobs in more than 9 countries including France, Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, and even in the USA.

Only registered candidates can view and apply for your Experteer job posting.