Sharpening the talent attraction process at Coffee Circle

Deborah Moschioni

Deborah Moschioni

Head of HR

-50 %

Hiring budget

40 %

Conversion rate of applications

-40 %

Decrease in time-to-hire on average across all positions

Coffee Circle

We are a coffee roasting company. For 10 years, we set new standards for fair trade and high quality coffee. We are constantly searching for exceptional coffees, even if …

We are a coffee roasting company. For 10 years, we set new standards for fair trade and high quality coffee. We are constantly searching for exceptional coffees, even if it means to explore remote areas of the world. We foster direct trade relationships with our partners and pay high prices for high quality coffee. We roast our coffees in Berlin. €1 per kg we invest in coffee communities around the world to improve the lives of farmers and their families. For many, we open the door to a new world of coffee. On our website and in our Cafés, we guide you to your perfect cup of coffee — from sustainable and delicious beans, curated coffee equipment to brewing guides and authentic stories about your favorite drink.


  • Food and beverages


  • Germany


  • 2010

Team size

  • 70

Features used

Platforms used

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-50 %

Hiring budget

40 %

Conversion rate of applications

-40 %

Decrease in time-to-hire on average across all positions

Table of contents

The Challenge

Maximize hiring success with less resources

As Coffee Circle experienced strong growth, Deborah, and her team, needed a talent attraction software to increase the number of qualified applications they were receiving. Their existing HR software, Personio, did not offer as many multiposting opportunities with several job boards, so she was looking for a complementary solution.

Deborah was searching for an intuitive, easy-to-use, and cost-effective software that would allow her to multipost job ads on all popular job boards at the same time.

The three biggest problems she wanted to solve:

  • No more manual job ad postings on several platforms
  • Increase in the number of applications
  • Decrease budget by reducing Time-to-Hire and costs

“Major advantage of JOIN: increases visibility and improves the way to reach out to candidates. JOIN really helped us find the right people”

Deborah Moschioni

Deborah Moschioni

Head of HR

The Solution

Coffee Circle partnered with JOIN to increase hiring success

With the help of JOIN, Deborah improved the way she reaches potential candidates — by posting to more job boards simultaneously with investing less budget. As a result, Coffee Circle increases visibility and reach with less effort.

JOIN is being used complementary to Personio, an HR management software. She uses JOIN to create job ads, publish them automatically, and receive all applications. After publishing, it generally takes less than 24 hours to start receiving first applications — if applicants have potential, she syncs their data with Personio by using JOIN’s seamless integration.

Besides posting to 10+ free job boards that are offered by JOIN, she complimentary uses GoodJobs and LinkedIn premium job ads.


What does the recruiting process look like at Coffee Circle now?

  • Creating a job description with the respective department
  • Write a detailed job ad
  • Publish on Personio 
  • Publish on JOIN and multipost to 9 free job boards via JOIN 
  • Monitor applications in both tools but mostly, more applications come in via JOIN
  • Screening of candidates
  • Conducting interviews
  • When she likes a candidate from JOIN, she sends the data to Personio via the JOIN integration
  • Personio is then used for internal communication/candidate review/pipeline management

Which KPIs have improved since using JOIN?

  • Increase in the number of applications 
  • The conversion rate of applications
  • Hiring speed 
  • Hired candidates 
  • Budget spent on the hiring process

Interestingly, another important metric for Deborah is to measure and improve: How many candidates have been screened that then get rejected by others on the team. So the overall goal is to reduce the amount of time that is invested by the team on rejected candidates.

We’ve helped Coffee Circle substantially

Coffee Circle has experienced phenomenal growth over the past years: In this period of time the number of employees has increased significantly.

-50 %

Hiring budget

40 %

Conversion rate of applications

-40 %

Decrease in time-to-hire on average across all positions

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